Halloween is coming to Dying Light 2 Stay Human
Trick or treat?! With Halloween just around the corner it’s high time to announce All Hallow’s Eve, the biggest in-game event since Dying Light 2 Stay Human’s release! Be prepared for a ton of frighteningly good fun in the City.

Scary, spooky Volatiles
Dying Light fans will definitely appreciate the return of classic Halloween-themed visual changes such as Volatiles wearing pumpkins on their heads (aka Pumpkintiles), and Infected will drop special resources known as Treats.
Where are the treats?!
Once you have enough Treats - you can visit a special Seasonal Agent - Baka The Unfortunate - and exchange them for quirky potions. These concoctions introduce many wacky things like making you jump higher, others can turn your vision into black and white mode!
Sweet, sweet bounties
During the event, players will have the opportunity to participate in special daily and weekly bounties. Completing them will provide gamers with ranking points and by increasing their rank, they will be able to buy special, Halloween-themed masks.
Community Treats
Don’t trick-or-treat alone! We’re introducing a new set of Global Goals focused on collecting treats by the entire community. So get that sugar rush on and fight together for awesome treats such as the Jack’O Mask or Dying Laugh Charm!
Die laughing
To top it all off, we will introduce a special bundle called “Dying Laugh.” This set will include some wicked items - the frightening clown costume, terrifying weapon, and scary paraglider skin. All of these items will be available for FREE FOR A LIMITED TIME between November 3rd and November 10th. This bundle will be distributed through various digital stores (Steam, Epic Games Store, PS Store, Microsoft Store…)

Dress for Carnage
The first story-driven DLC for Dying Light 2 Stay Human - Bloody Ties - is just around the corner! We believe it’s only appropriate to let our awesome community dress up for this special occasion! That’s why we are excited to introduce the Rais Commando Outfit.

All players who already own the base game or will buy before November 10th will have the chance to claim this outfit for free!
And if you indeed want to shine on the premiere of the Bloody Ties DLC, there are lots of other outfits to get in Dying Light 2 Stay Human.
Log in or sign up at TechlandGG to claim.

The redemption period: October 26th (4:00 PM CET) and November 10th. Please keep in mind that even after claiming this outfit from the website it will appear in your in-game stash on November 10th.