Dying Light 10th Anniversary Logo shadow

10 years of the genre-defining zombie franchise!

Thank You for 10 Amazing Years!

Let's celebrate!

  • 27 January
  • 6 February
  • 19 February
  • Community Rewind

    Community Rewind

  • 10 years in numbers

    10 years in numbers

  • marathon of events

New items for Dying Light!

Head to the Outpost
G.R.E. Paint Job
G.R.E. Paint Job
A Gift from Gazi
A Gift from Gazi
A Gift from Gazi
Angel Sword
A Gift from Gazi
Deadeye's Crossbow
Anniversary bounties



head to the outpost
  • new wallpapers!

  • Your Zombie Slayer Wrap-Up

    Find out your numbers in Dying Light 2


    Grab more than a fresh look with our new bundles!


The Announcement of Dying Light

The Starting Line

Two years before the release, the Dying Light “Run Boy Run” trailer revealed our new zombie game to the world. Little did we know, it was just the beginning.

DL1 Logo

The Dying Light Premiere

The Day Everything Changed

Head smashing and dropkicking hordes of enemies, all while saving the city of Harran! Winner of over 50 industry awards and nominations, the game would go down in history as one of gaming's greatest zombie titles.

$386K bundle

A $386,000 Special Edition

Do You Have Money to Spare?

The My Apocalypse Edition cost $386,000, which came with a real-life custom-built Dying Light zombie-proof shelter, a human-sized Volatile, and yes, a physical copy of the game. Because who wouldn’t include that in their special edition?


The Bozak Horde DLC

Trials of the Psycho

You were introduced to the certified nutjob named Bozak, who put you through a series of heart-pumping and sweat-inducing challenges. This new mode wasn't easy, but at least you got a nice bow out of it.

Harran Power Mystery

The Harran Power Mystery

Where Does Electricity Come From?

Many scholars have theorized about the origin of the power in the city, so we dropped a video called The Harran Power Mystery to resolve the matter. It turned out they were all wrong.

The Following Screenshot

The Dying Light: The Following Premiere

The Countryside Adventure That Changed Everything

With the release of this new expansion, it was time to hit the road with a buggy and explore the Countryside looking for an ancient cult known as the Children of the Sun.


Dying Light - Tribute to The Master

The Man, The Legend

We released a video honoring the founding father of the zombie horror subgenre, George A. Romero. His work was so influential that it continues to inspire us to this day.

Prison Heist

The Prison Heist DLC

Just Visiting

Mission: Infiltrate the most isolated part of the city, the Harran Prison. Anyone crazy enough to set foot in that place looking for valuable loot found it, but they were also asking for trouble — the Volatile kind.

DL2 Announcement Screenshot

Dying Light 2 Announcement

The Next Big Step

What happened to civilization after the Harran outbreak? We asked ourselves this question and liked the answer so much that it became an idea for a sequel. And at E3 2018, we decided to showcase the first reveal to the world.

Ring icon

A Real Marriage Proposal

Say ‘Yes’

We decided to help one of our fans by leaving an important message for his beloved in the game. If this didn’t make us the best wingmen in gaming, what will?

Bad Blood Screenshot

Dying Light: Bad Blood Early Access

Trying Something Different

We released an early access multiplayer entry that retained the core aspects of Dying Light with a focus on PvE and PvP modes. Ultimately, we decided to get back to what we know best: narrative open world zombie horror. But hey, it was worth a shot.

Wild Pumpkintile

Our First Halloween Event

A Wild Pumpkintile Appeared

Pumpkintiles are not to be messed with. They’re not all bad, though. Those spooky seed brains helped us kick off our first Halloween event, which we continue to do to this day.

Dying Light on Switch

Dying Light on Nintendo Switch

Let’s Take This Outside

Dying Light: Platinum Edition on Nintendo Switch was the first game in the series to fittingly allow our fans to play it on the go. The physical copy also came with a map of the Slums and the Old Town, as well as a survival guide to help you stay alive in a real-world zombie apocalypse.

DL2 Cinematic Trailer

Dying Light 2: Stay Human Cinematic Trailer

A World That Lost Its Way

We teamed up with our dear friends at Platige Image to present to the world a cinematic trailer about the emotional weight and themes in our second installment of the series.

Dying Light 2: Stay Human logo

The Dying Light 2: Stay Human Premiere

Welcome to Villedor

The start of a new Dying Light era! Millions of players around the world jumped at the chance to experience the story of Aiden Caldwell, a wandering Pilgrim on a mission to find his sister Mia in the last civilized city on Earth.

Baka screenshot

Baka the Unfortunate Arrives

The First Appearance of the Mysterious Man

No Halloween or Winter Tales event is ever complete without everyone’s favorite creepy dealer. No one can agree on where he came from, but it doesn’t matter as long as he’s got the goods.

Bloody Ties

The Dying Light 2: Stay Human — Bloody Ties Premiere

Carnage Hall Awaits

Imagine Dying Light, but with gladiator arenas full of cheering crowds, spectacles of carnage and a personal family drama added in for good measure. Well, you don’t have to because our story DLC gave you just that.

Pilgrim Outpost Logo

The Launch of Pilgrim Outpost

Head to the Outpost, Pilgrim

A new website called Pilgrim Outpost went live for all Dying Light fans around the world. There, they can get their fix of news, activate bounties, and complete them in exchange for unique in-game rewards.

Dying Light 2: Stay Human Reloaded Edition Logo

Dying Light 2: Stay Human Reloaded Edition


This new edition took everything from the base game and built on it with new changes to lore, firearms, improved visuals, and so much more! Its release also coincided with the biggest post-launch update we’ve ever done for the game.

The Beast Image

The Announcement of Dying Light: The Beast

Unleash the Beast

Kyle Crane returns in a thrilling standalone adventure set to come out in Summer 2025. Wishlist it now to be the first person to get notified when it comes out and continue the legacy of the franchise.

The Journey

Experience the biggest moments of the franchise through 10 years of zombie slaying

The first 10 years were just the beginning.
We have a lot of great ideas in production!

Dying Light 2 Reloaded Edition

The ultimate zombie experience awaits. 67% off. For the first time ever!

Dying Light: The Beast

Summer 2025

Wishlist Now

Dying Light 1 Marathon of Events

Complete the weekly goal to obtain a gold-tier weapon.

WEEK 1 JAN 27 - FEB 3 Hypermode + Double XP
WEEK 1 JAN 27 - FEB 3 Hypermode + Double XP

Goal: Decimate 100 zombies with your bare fists

WEEK 2 FEB 3 - 10 Low gravity
WEEK 2 FEB 3 - 10 Low gravity

Goal: Slay 100 zombies

WEEK 3 FEB 10 - 17 Super-Crane
WEEK 3 FEB 10 - 17 Super-Crane

Goal: Kill 100 zombies with fall damage

WEEK 4 FEB 17 - 24: Viral Rush
WEEK 4 FEB 17 - 24: Viral Rush

Goal: Exterminate 100 virals

Still don't have
Dying Light Good Night Good Luck?

A testament to everything you accomplished in Harran.
Get it for free in 1st party stores.

  • Hotshot Outfit
  • Golden Hour
  • Sunburst
  • Dawnbreaker
  • Golden Idol

The free offer ends on February 10.
Its availability may vary by region and platform.

  • Hotshot Outfit

    Hotshot Outfit

  • Golden Hour

    Golden Hour

  • Sunburst


    Not everyone has what it takes. This gold-plated revolver will signal to your foes that you're on a whole nother level.

  • Dawnbreaker


    A shotgun for the big shots who have survived everything the world threw at them.

  • Golden Idol

    Golden Idol

    This machete would look better if you hung it up on a wall, but it would only go to waste. Instead, let the zombies have a closer look.
