Tower Raid: Halloween Run Extended
Due to popular demand and many new players joining through PlayStation Plus, we are extending Tower Raid: Halloween Run until November 25, 12:00 CET. Grab a few friends, visit Baka to storm the spooky Hope Plaza Tower and load up on Candies to unlock cool rewards like the Van Aiden bundle. You'll also be able to find the Count Skull bundle and the free Gladius sword in the in-game store until November 25.
You didn't have time to try out each of the characters yet? Jump back into Tower Raid: Halloween Run and receive a special Pumpkin Spice weapon the first time you complete a run as that character!
If you've only recently joined Dying Light 2: Stay Human, Tower Raid: Halloween Run is available early in the game right after the prologue. Tower Raid is not for the faint-hearted, so we recommend playing them in four-player co-op. You can find Baka at the Bazaar and use his bulletin board to begin the Tower Raid. And don't worry about your loadout - in Halloween Run, you're choosing one of four preset loadouts based on which character you pick. Each of them have their own traits and weapons, so try them all out and find the one that best suits your style!
And don’t panic if you fall at the first hurdle, Tower Raid is meant to be hard. But with each death, you have the opportunity to get stronger with the perks system. Some are personal, while others will affect everyone in your session if you are the host!