Update 1.21 — Anniversary Update
It's the third anniversary for Dying Light 2: Stay Human, and last week was the 10th anniversary of the franchise! Three years (and a few updates) later, we want to thank you for your constant support and head straight to the good stuff. So without further ado, let’s see what we have prepared for you in this time of celebration!
Anniversary Features
For starters, head over to Photo Mode, where you can find a brand new, Anniversary-themed frame! Don’t be shy, either; we want to see your fanciest virtual photos created with this new addition. Be sure to follow us on our social media and maybe soon enough you’ll have an opportunity to put it to the real test.
The new frame is also a great opportunity to take photos of the new billboards we have put up around the Villedor! Reckon you can find them all? And last but not least, we’ve added new bounties for you, so head to Pilgrim Outpost to find them and during our celebrations, there will be a series of festive events - both in Dying Light 2: Stay Human and Dying Light!
Tower Raid Permanent Release (Coming February 19)
During our anniversary celebrations is the best moment to release Tower Raid as a standalone mode to the game, so expect it to be live later this month. We gathered tons of feedback from you and incorporated it into the game. You will soon be able to access Tower Raid through the main menu, where you will be transported to the Raid Hub. It’s a new place where you can enter the Tower Raid and visit shops associated with its progression. Here, you can find a familiar face — Jai. If you don’t know, he’s a vendor with his own persistent Reputation progression and an inventory designed specifically for Tower Raid and its characters (new perks, tools, and weapons). While in the Raid Hub, make sure to also check what new vendor, Sola, has to offer — complete her assignments to obtain rewards that transfer into the base game.
When you feel ready to take on the Tower Raid, it’s time to pick your character, perks, and all the details that will shape your next run from the board. Alongside the two modes you already know, Normal and Elite, we’ve added a third: Quick, which will run you through 4 floors and a rooftop fight. Or if you want a deeper and longer challenge, try Elite Mode: navigate 12 floors on Hard or Nightmare difficulty with additional modifiers on top.
And if you choose Quick or Normal, you can also choose a difficulty level (Easy, Normal, Hard, or Nightmare) for each Tower Raid run. And finally, we’ve added new floors to the rotation! We can’t wait for you to play it when it releases later this month.
New Rewards and Bundles
The anniversary celebration is on, and it keeps on giving! You still have a chance to collect the Lunar Offerings until February 12. Unlock the Snake Warrior Bundle complete with a whole moto biker outfit for Aiden on Pilgrim Outpost. And remember to check your in-game stash to find an optional, snake-themed makeover for Lawan!
Make sure to visit the Pilgrim Outpost’s Armory for brand new additions for both Dying Light and Dying Light 2: Stay Human, too. And that’s still not all: we’ve prepared some new bundles and weapon packs that will be available for you later this month.
Game Updates
Aside from all the big news from Update 1.21 above, we’ve also introduced the following fixes and improvements to the game:
- Fixed electric and fire VFX visible from the third-person perspective
- Improved VFX of Evolving items when seen from the third-person perspective
Tower Raid
- Closed gaps in selected areas
- Fixed soft locks on selected floors
- Fixed random flickering on selected floors
- Cosmetic changes to selected floors (cleaning up assets that shouldn’t be visible, overlapping)
- Fixed an issue with co-op players disappearing when in an elevator
- Fixed soft locks related to co-op joins
- Fixed accessing drawer through the wall
- Updated animation for pressing floor buttons while in the elevator
- Implemented changes for the prologue to improve its flow
- Adjusted first GRE encounter difficulty
- Rebalanced the prologue to make players feel stronger (extra skills and weapons)
- Fixed the missing quest marker for the ‘Crystal White’ mission
- Fixed issues with the Crowd Runner skill while using firearms layout (equipped firearms must be holstered in order to trigger it while moving forward)
- Police cars are now lootable
- Encounters between survivors and zombies can be interrupted with a kick
- After throwing a weapon, the next equipped one will be drawn (even if not equipped in the first slot)
- Fixed audio issues related to sound disappearing
- Fixed biomarker placement on Krampus Outfit
- Removed Tower Raid pop-up after canceling any Survivor Mission
- Fixed bow and arrow alignment
- Fixed hand placement on ladder when looking around
- Fixed animations after using Afterboost so it now works properly
- Fixed occasional misalignment of the Scorpio weapon
- Funkadelic bow can no longer be dropped (and lost)
- Fixed elemental VFX on Kama
- Fixed rain falling inside military containers
- Fixed animation and audio after killing a Suicider with headshot
- Adjusted VFX for Evolving items
- Adjusted lighting of Gas Tank Biters in Resolution mode
- Fixed a handful of random crashes
- Improved blueprint descriptions
- Fixed Balanced and Resolution video settings to display with the proper name
- Removed visible Open World objectives when entering the metro
Due to a tiny technical hiccup, we're pushing the release of the Update 1.21 for DyingLight2 by ONE DAY. It's now landing on February 6, 12:00 CET.