The Contest, Four New Booster Events and Extra Sales in Dying Light 2 Stay Human
Since yesterday, a New Game + with update 1.3.0 is available in the Dying Light 2 Stay Human, but it’s not the end of new things coming to the game this week. Techland is launching 4 special booster events that will help players gather materials, experience points, and survive the night in The City!
Four new booster events to Dying Light 2 Stay Human will last:
Week 1: Double XP weekend – April 28th – May 2nd
Week 2: Trove of Crystals weekend – May 5-9th
(Better crystal cores in Dark Hollows)
Week 3: Blue Moon weekend – May 12-16th
(Enhanced night infection immunity and chemical resistance)
Week 4: Hypermode weekend – May 19-23rd
(Enemies catapult into the air on impact)
Watch the trailer below:
Exploit the benefits of the Blue Moon, and Hypermode weekends to have even more fun with the game with extra strength and immunity.
Dying Light 2 Stay Human will be shortly available at a new special price
Techland together with partners prepared a great sale. You will be able to buy Dying Light 2 Stay Human Standard Edition at 20% cheaper (15% for Deluxe Edition, and 10% for Ultimate Edition). The promotion is available on Steam between April 28th and May 11th (for Epic Games Store between April 28th and May 2nd).

Get your copy of Pilgrim’s handbook in the new contest
What else Techland has prepared for you, you want to ask? Find out by watching the new episode of At The Fish Eye
Nicolas is waiting for you to explain how to win an extremely rare (only 240 produced) collectible item from Dying Light 2 Stay Human – Pilgrim’s Handbook!
And visit techlandgg.com for more information!