Hotfix 1.11.4
We've just launched Hotfix 1.11.4 for PC and Consoles! In this hotfix, you can expect the following changes:
• Fixed the issue with the missing Chicken Wing paraglider from the Chicken Bundle DLC.
• Fixed the issue with the missing PK crossbow and crossbow bolt craft plan after converting the save to NG+.
• Fixed the issue with Volatiles and being too tanky in COOP.
• Fixed the issue with missing Volatile Tyrants on the map.
• Fixed the issue with Virals not spawning during the "Reaching Cillian's House" sequence in the "Getting Stronger" quest.
On top of fixes mentioned above, we are also introducing a few improvements for Community Maps and Developer Tools:
• Fixed the issue with several story objectives missing.
• Fixed the issue with challenges not working.
• Fixed the issue with missing Dying Light 1 meshes
Thank you for your continued support! #StayHuman!